Sunday, June 2, 2019

Like a Bad Penny

So I'm back. And it's probably the whiskey talking, but I really think I'm in a better place this time around! I'm going to give this another try — sharing my thoughts, publicly. Because it went so well the first time.

For those of you who never read my previous blog — which is pretty much all of you — let me give you a little warning up front. This is not one of those think pieces where I share my favorite lasagna recipe, or post pictures of my cat and all the kookie shenanigans he gets himself into. Mainly because I don't have a cat. Because they're fucking evil. They took Patrick Swayze from us. Go ahead, you can Google it.

No, think of this blog like a vulgar, incoherent pre-flight safety speech. It will come off stiff and unreasonable, and the truth is, no one is really paying attention anyway. It will be a hideous hodgepodge of stories and rants. Bad jokes and out-of-left-field ramblings. My honest opinions, and my irrational obsessions. My valid frustrations, right alongside my ridiculous theories.

I will plead. I will yell. I will most certainly curse. I will expose myself, figuratively speaking of course. I will do everything that I can to be 100% honest with myself, so that I can in turn be honest with you.

This will not be 'good naked'.

This will be an attempt to wake up the creative, earnest young man that I used to be. The one who wholeheartedly believed in the inherent "goodness" of people, and looked at Planet Earth with blinders on, comfy in the notion that the world would always right itself, no matter how much darkness and violence it seemed to feed on. 

I will then throw that naive little waif in a room with the irrational, crotchety misanthrope that has come to define me in my 40s. The one who sees blood red every time a person under 30 tells me that they're not quite sure who Paul Newman is. And I'm going to cross my fingers and hope — somewhat foolishly — that they will play nice together.

It will always be passionate.

It will not always be coherent.

But I will do my best to make it entertaining. At least for me.

Thanks for reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, this should be entertaining. Carry on.

  3. "Werry interethting".........quote, from the little German soldier guy, on "Laugh In", but you are probably one of those who don't remember "Laugh In" ~ From an "irrational, crochety, misanthrope", inher 70's
